Saturday, September 18, 2010

Watch Out Japan!!!

So, in AOB (Area Orientation Brief) this week they had a driving portion of the training. We sat through a half day of lecture about Japanese driving laws and then had a power point flash card review to get us ready for the written portion of our driving tests. I told a friend that I was going to not only take the written portion, but also the driving version of the test on Friday. He was amazed and asked how...I told him that if I got 100% on the written test, then I would get to drive in order to get my license. Well, out of over 120 people in the class, I was the only one who got 100% on the written portion...once they announced that, many people had comments...mine was BooYaaa! Others said..."She cheated....Looked off someone else's test", and another said "Master's Degree". But it didn't matter. I got to drive and got 100% on the driver's portion those that know me probably aren't surprised, but it was a difficult 50 question test and over here, they drive on the left side of the it wasn't an easy task. But, watch out Japan, Here I Come! This is a picture of me with my brand new Japanese Driver's License! Booo Yaaaa! Now I just need to get a car...

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