Hello Friends! I just wanted to acknowledge that it's been too long since I've written a post. To sum up what's been going on in my life, I've been busy. I recently discovered that when people flatter me by recommending my name for extra positions at work, I should probably not accept all of them. In addition to working way too much, I recently had four visitors for almost two weeks and now I'm planning to head out for my vacation. I know that you would rather be reading about all my adventures than this tidbit of excuses, but I promise you when I return from vacation in January, I will have many more updates. Some new topics include: Things that My Mother Learned in Japan, Natural Nikko, Tokyo Disney, Bright Lights Big City, Just How Great is the Great Barrier Reef, and New Years Sydney Style. I hope that everyone has a fabulous holiday season! I will be heading to Australia on Friday to distract myself from the fact that I am missing Christmas with my family. Wish me luck!
Wordless Wednesday
10 years ago
While I am totally jealous of your holiday excursion, I just wanted to say I MISS YOU! I need your vonage number again so we can have a phone date. As a quick update - Colin and I have a new addition to our "family." Her name is Michaela and she's 16. Long story, but we will probably be going through the guardianship process after the first of the year. We are enjoying having her here and my family is attempting to accept our decision. (As you might imagine, it hasn't been a smooth transition. It makes me wonder why I thought it would be okay for us to move back home. Meh.) Happy holidays, my dear! I hope you have a lovely time "down under"! Loves and miss!